Review of the product highlights in the second quarter of 2024

  • 3 hours ago

Product Updates & Highlights from the last Quarter

Our product teams have been busy in Q2 2024, developing some fantastic new features that take our offerings for you and your customers to the next level.

We are thrilled to present the latest developments from our product teams in the second quarter! Notably, we’ve introduced Sentiment Analysis and Klaviyo Email Marketing Integration.

Sentiment Analysis

Our new Sentiment Analysis feature allows you to better understand the sentiment of your customers. This function analyzes reviews and feedback to provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and opinions.

Klaviyo Email Marketing Integration

With Klaviyo integration, you can seamlessly connect your email marketing campaigns and create personalized campaigns. This optimises your marketing strategies and strengthens customer engagement.

Additional Highlights

In addition to these, we have launched seven new features and five updates. These enhancements offer you even more opportunities to improve your business processes and provide excellent service to your customers.

A slide deck summarising all the new features, their key benefits, and links to additional resources is available here:

We thank you for your trust and look forward to your success with our new features and updates.