Reduce checkout abandonment - Introducing the Trusted Checkout Widget

  • 2 months ago

The Trusted Checkout Widget is live

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Trusted Checkout Widget. This powerful new tool will increase your customers' trust and reduce your shop's shopping basket abandonment rate!

What is the Trusted Checkout Widget?

This widget displays a clear and concise message on your website, informing customers about the buyer protection guarantee included in your shop. By highlighting this information earlier in the checkout process, we believe we can significantly reduce shopping cart abandonment rates. Here's the exciting part: our data suggests a potential reduction of up to 19%!

Who can use the Trusted Checkout Widget?

The Trusted Checkout Widget is currently available for manual integration by shops that have buyer protection (guarantee) included in their contract. This initial phase allows us to gather valuable data through case studies with select customers. In the future, we plan to make the widget more widely available.

How to use the Trusted Checkout Widget:

The widget is fully responsive and can be placed strategically on your website to maximize its impact. We recommend placing it on either your checkout page or product details page, where customers are actively considering their purchase.

Finding the Trusted Checkout Widget:

For now, you can find the Trusted Checkout Widget in the Reviews/Marketing section of your Control Center alongside other marketing tools.

Get Started Today!

We believe the Trusted Checkout Widget has the potential to be a game-changer for your online store. By offering buyer protection transparency, you can build trust with your customers and watch your conversion rates soar.

Ready to give it a try? Head over to your Control Center and activate the Trusted Checkout Widget today! We're eager to hear your feedback and see the results!