Unlock deeper insights: Compare time periods in the Insights Dashboard

  • 54 minutes ago

Compare time periods in the Insights Dashboard

This powerful addition allows you to effortlessly compare current data against a selected comparison period. In seconds, gain a comprehensive overview of how your customer sentiment and needs are evolving, uncovering trends that might otherwise go unnoticed.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Detailed insights: Gain deeper insights into the opinions and needs of your customers quickly and easily.
  • Improved decision-making: Make data-based decisions for marketing and customer service, identify potential for improvement and measure your success using concrete figures.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: With the insights gained, you can take targeted measures to improve customer satisfaction and thus strengthen customer loyalty in the long term.

It's that simple:

Simply select the desired comparison period in the Insights Dashboard. The dashboard then shows you the most important key figures in comparison so that you can see at a glance how your customer satisfaction and ratings have developed.

Use the new feature today to better understand your customers and make even better decisions for your business!

Are you ready to take your customer analysis to the next level? Then start comparing time periods in the Insights Dashboard today!