Unlock the power of timing: Optimised review invite sending time for your shop system

  • 2 days ago

Optimised review invite sending time for your shop system

We're delighted to introduce a new update to our Easy Integration Shopsoftware Plugins – optimised review invite sending time! At the heart of our commitment to enhancing your experience lies the drive to empower you with tools that truly make a difference in your business. This update is no exception.

Why timing matters

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, timing is everything. Capturing customer feedback at the right moment can significantly impact the quality and quantity of reviews you receive. With our latest update, you now have the ability to synchronize the sending of review invites with different order statuses. This means you can reach out to your buyers precisely when their experience with your product or service is fresh in their minds.

Collect more, collect better

By aligning the review invite sending time with key order statuses, you're not just collecting more reviews – you're collecting better ones. Timing plays a crucial role in the authenticity and relevance of feedback. By striking while the iron is hot, you're more likely to capture honest, detailed reviews that truly reflect the customer experience. And as we all know, genuine reviews are worth their weight in gold when it comes to building trust and credibility.

A solution for all systems

Whether you're using WooCommerce, Prestashop, JTL, Shopify, Shopware 6, or Magento, this update is designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow. We understand that each platform comes with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities, which is why we've ensured that our solution is easily applicable and user-friendly.

If you want to know how to set the optimised review sending time, take a look at the Help Center and click on the respective article of your shop system.