Cliff F.
Online Shopper from London
Has reviewed 1 order from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by Cliff F. Customer reviews
Products excellent but not matched by the website which is disorganised and illogical. Products don’t appear in any relevant order eg almonds are shown with peanuts because they’re both blanched; walnuts come under c’ because they’re Californian or l’ if they’re light. It’s an easy change to make in terms of website database sorting protocols but it hasn’t happened yet. Placing an order is therefo
Poor replies:
Thank you for your review. I'm sorry you're not happy as we have lots of customers saying how easy it is to find what they're looking for! Have you tried the search feature? This will find things faster than browsing. You'll be pleased to know that there is a new website on the horizon. We started upgrading to a new system in 2020 but when Covid hit, the project got shelved. I have now realised
Information on Cliff F.
Registered since 08/09/2017
Occasional Shopper
Has reviewed more than 3 shops
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Shopping Star
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