Denis G.
Online Shopper from Mol
Has reviewed 1 order from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by Denis G.

boho office® onlineshop Customer reviews
I othered a professional desk and a desktop for it with FENIX NTM surface. The desk itself was delivered within 2-3 days, but with the desktop I had most issues First, it was hold at an interim warehouse for a week and it was suspicious. I called to the Customer Service team and they advised just to wait and hang up. I found some contacts and called the transportation company, and they told me th
Very Poor
boho office® onlineshop replies:
Dear Mr Gorbunov, Thank you for your review. We would like to comment briefly. Unfortunately, the shipping company damaged the goods during transport and initially stored them, as this is the normal process to avoid unnecessary journeys. After a brief inspection, the shipping company informed us that only the packaging was slightly damaged, but not the table top. On delivery, we realised that th
Information on Denis G.
Registered since 28/12/2015
Occasional Shopper
Has reviewed more than 3 shops
High Flyer
Has reviewed more than 10 shops
Shopping Star
Has reviewed more than 50 shops